About the DELE
All exam levels consist of the following: Reading, writing, listening, speaking, grammar, and vocabulary, either in independent exams or in exams involving integrated skills.
The preparation courses cover all components with particular emphasis on areas in which you need to improve before the exam.
The ‘Diplomas de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE)’, issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministry for Education, are official qualifications accrediting levels of competence and command of the Spanish language.
Exam Levels
A1 (Acceso (Access): This qualification demonstrates sufficient linguistic ability to perform a very basic range of the most commonly simple expressions used in the Spanish-speaking world and the ability to communicate basic needs. U$90
A2 (Plataforma (Waystage): This qualification demonstrates sufficient linguistic ability to perform and understand a basic range of simple expressions which are commonly used in the Spanish-speaking world (basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment). U$ 114
B1 (Umbral (Threshold): This qualification demonstrates sufficient linguistic ability in understanding and responding appropriately in most normal day-to-day situations expressing desires and needs in a basic way. U$ 129
B2 (Avanzado (Advanced): This qualification demonstrates sufficient linguistic ability to get by in average day-to-day situations and circumstances which do not require specialized use of the language. U$ 149
C1: (Dominio Operativo Eficaz (Efficient Operative Command): At this level, users are expected to be able to use the structures of a language with ease and fluency. Users are able to adapt their language and use it in a variety of social, labor and academic situations, express opinions and take part in discussions and arguments in a culturally acceptable way. U$ 159
C2 (Maestría (Proficiency): This qualification demonstrates the necessary linguistic competence to integrate using an advanced form of the language and knowledge of the cultural customs embedded within it. This assesses a practically full command in every language topic. U$ 167
How do I prepare?
DELE Exam Preparation Course
In order to prepare for the exam, we have courses devoted entirely to DELE exam preparation. The sessions are one-on-one and enable you to focus on the areas you need to develop, making learning fast and efficient.
The course is taken as a private course, either full-time or as the private component of “group + private,” 20 hours of group classes plus 10 hours of private lessons.
The preparation courses cover all components with particular emphasis on areas in which you need to improve before the exam.
How do I register for the exam?
For the exam in Santiago, you can directly register at Ecela Santiago.