FRASE DEL DÍA: “Ser buena (o mala) onda”
You want to be buena onda! “Ser buena onda” is another way to say that something or someone is good stuff.
Example. Take our friend Pablo. Él es el hombre llevando el traje azul (The man in the blue suit). Es muy genial (he’s very friendly) y le gusta ayudarles a todas personas (and he likes to help everyone). Here you can see him helping his friend Cristian out of the water. You would say “Pablo es buena onda.” If you REALLY think he’s the best (which I’m sure poor, wet Cristian does), you would probably even go so far as to say “Pablo es MUY buena onda.” Then ev
ryone would know how incredible he is.
Now, you also see the word mala up there in parenthesis by onda. We know Pablo is definitely not mala onda, and I can assure you that Cristian isn’t either. Here’s his story:
Pablo: ¡Amigo! ¿Qué te pasó? (Friend! What happened to you?)
Cristian: No me vas a creer, pero se me cayeron mis llaves en el lago. Yo andaba haciendo malabarismos con ellas y…splash… se me cayeron en el agua. ¡Me agaché para buscarlas y me caí también! (You’re not going to believe me, but my keys fell in the lake. I was walking along juggling them and…splash…they fell in the water. I bent down to look for them and I feel in, too!)
Pablo: Lo siento, Cristian. Que mala onda. (I’m sorry Cristian. Que mala onda.)
Take time to use this phrase the next time you’re about to describe something or someone wonderful. Es muy buena onda, ¿no?