Joaquin Prieto, 1786 – 1854
The first president under the Portalian State was Joaquin Prieto who served from 1831-1841. During this time, Chile modernized in many ways. Ports and railroads were built and these changes boosted the economy.
One of the next big changes was the Parliamentary Republic in Chile, which lasted from 1891-1925. Under this rule, the legislature and not the people elect the president. Rich elites controlled the congress. Meanwhile, other parties were growing in popularity including the Democratic Party and the Radical party. Since these parties were winning seats in the government, things began to evolve. Finally in the 1920’s, the time period called the Presidential era began.
Those who attend Spanish language school in Chile typically find themselves taking time to understand the country’s vast and detailed history. The region’s unique architecture and various landmarks make students naturally inquisitive. If you have the opportunity to learn Spanish in Santiago, you will find that the history of the region will leave a strong impression on you.