The Spanish verb romper covers the meanings of English to break and to tear.
Por ejemplo:
- La ventana está rota…………………………The window is broken.
- Mi camisa está rota…………………………..My shirt is torn.
To be broken in the sense of to be out of order is usually estar descompuesto. The verb is descomponerse and it may also appear with an indirect object pronoun: descomponérsele a uno.
- El ascensor está descompuesto…………..The elevator is broken (out of order).
- Se me descompuso el coche……………….My car broke down.
Some other expressions with romper:
- romper con alguien………………………….to break it off with someone
- romper a llorar, romper en llanto……….to burst out crying
- romper el fuego……………………………….to open fire
- Quien rompe paga…………………………….Actions have consequences.
- No te preocupes. No te vas a romper……Don’t worry. You’re not so fragile.