If you study in Lima, Perú, you can take advantage of the year-round surfing there. The ocean water is cold so you’ll wear a wet suit, which means you can ride the waves (or attempt to, anyway) any time!
For information about surfing in Peru, you can look here: http://www.perusurfguides.com or do a general search for surfing in Peru. Click on “Lima” to learn about the beaches there.
If you’re a beginner or not completely comfortable taking to foreign waves on your own, you can sign up for our “Spanish & Surf” program in Lima. Two days a week after Spanish classes you can take a three hour lesson ( includes surfboard, lesson, and wet suit) for $90.
Have you surfed before? Tell us your woes or successes!
Interested in learning Spanish and surfing with ECELA in Lima? E-mail us at info@ecela.com for more information or for a price quote.